
Affordable SEND Advice

The Send Law Company understands that legal costs are often high, meaning that a large section of the community are denied justice and much needed help. Add to the fact that often parent/s have to stop work to care for their child whilst they are unable to attend school.

For these reasons we strive to keep our costs as economic as possible.

In addition Emma regularly runs ‘Buy Me a Coffee’ sessions.

How we can help ?

Many parents/carers do not understand their legal rights when it comes to their Child's education. To make matters worse many Local Authorities and Schools do not know or use the correct legislation, thus acting unlawfully.

Our team are able to offer expert advice on matters including and not limited to the following areas;
  • Alternative provision if your child has been out of school for 15 days or more.
  • Legal help if your child has low attendance due to mental health problems or unmet Special Educational Needs and you are being threatened with fines prosecutions
  • PIP/ DLA Applications
  • EHCP Applications /Reviews/ Appeals
  • EOTAS requests
  • Reasonable adjustment request
  • Subject aCCESS Request
  • Flexi school applications

Contact Us

In the first instance we would suggest you contact us on the details below. Then one of our lovely members of staff will discuss your circumstances and tell you how we can help
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Thank you for contacting us. One of our team will get in touch with you soon.
